Thursday, December 13, 2012

Crazy Stuffs :))

Dahil tapos na ang English Term. And I won't be using this blog anymore. Hahahaha. Yey :)

Eto kami sa roooom :) Hahahaha. Doing crazy stuffs for the past days =))))

Eto yung bago yung Ignite Speech na halata namang nababaliw na kami :)))) Pero atleast, tapos na:) Yeeey!:)))

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Chapter 3

Chapter 3
Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

            This paper attempted to determine the different factors needed to consider ballet as a competitive sport.
            The method that was used in this study is the descriptive research method wherein the data from articles and the results of the interview are used to answer the research question posed. The research findings are the following:
1.      According to the results of the survey, one factor that can be considered is the way a ballerina and an athlete will maintain their body figure. That both of them need to maintain a body that is physically so that it would be difficult for them to perform or to play.
2.      The training that a ballerina and an athlete undergo to is also quite the same. Both of them need to physically set their body before competing or performing. Warming up before training is very essential, so that their body would not be that painful after a hard training.
3.      Ballerinas are also as competitive as the athlete because they need to show to their audience that they are exerting effort and they are passionate in what they are doing.


            Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:
             1.      Ballerinas and athletes do have a lot factors in common, especially when it comes to their physical attributes.
            2.      Considering ballet as a sport can never be just that easy, of course, it still needs the willingness of the ballerinas to compete, and accept the fact that ballet is not an art alone, but a competitive sport as well that needs more hardwork and discipline.


            After drawing the conclusions of the study, the researcher hereby make the following suggestions/recommendations:
           1.      Scholars should design a research on possible future innovations in the process and citing more evident factors that can help in considering ballet as a competitive sport.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Article: Black Swan

Have you already watched the movie Black Swan? This is one of the movies that became a box office hit on the year 2010. This movie is all about a ballerina named, Nina Sayers, who was given a chance to portray the role of both the black and white swan in their next big production.

In this movie, there was a part here wherein Thomas, director of the production, told Nina that she is ideal for the White Swan, but she still lacks passion and emotion to be the Black Swan. So Nina tried everything to prove Thomas that she really is fits the role.

She experienced the life of a real passionate and desperate ballerina in this movie. She had experienced different injuries during her practices. Well, as for Nina, she is really a good ballerina in this movie. She has the characteristics of ballerina is- the posture, discipline, and confidence is there.

She also shows competitiveness in this movie, in the part wherein she auditioned for the role. She showed that she deserves the role more than anybody else who auditioned, that’s why she was picked by the director to play the role. The only problem she encountered is that she was fighting within herself. She thought that she must need to be a perfectionist to fit the role of the Black Swan, which resulted to a bad result. She almost lost her mind with all this thought coming inside her mind. This resulted to her death in the last part of the movie. (Black Swan)

This movie only shows that being passionate with what you’re doing makes the best come out from you, but you must also know you’re limit as a dancer. 

Article: Ballet routines

One of characteristics that ballerinas have is the flexibility in their body. We often see ballerinas splitting, or touching their head with their feet while standing. Another characteristics they have is balance, they have this because of their proper posture.

                When it comes to routines, ballerinas need these two characteristics, flexibility and balance, so that they can perform gracefully. The routines are not that easy to learn, it needs a lot of time and effort to perform it right because if not, ballerinas will only give themselves a body ache.

                I will give some simple routines on Ballet from the article I have read in Ballet Positions and Movements

                The first routine is the A la seconde according to the article it is the called the side or second position. This routine is choreographed to move sideways. This is how it looks.

                The next routine is the Adiago, this routine involves the slow movement of a ballerina. It helps the ballerina to concentrate herself on moving his/her legs and arms slowly. This is how it looks.

                And lastly, the most common routine, arabesque; I think this is the simplest and easiest form of routine in ballet. You will only stand up with your one leg and extending the other leg on your back.

                The aforementioned routines are just some of the routines that ballerinas perform to express their emotions whenever they are performing. This is not as easy as 1, 2, 3 to learn. Usually, ballerinas takes time in learning these so that when they are now going to perform on stage, they will commit less mistakes.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Article: Kids in Ballet

“Mommy, I want to learn how to dance.”  “Okay, I will enrol you to ballet class. Would you like that?” “Yes. Yes. Yehey!”

                This is the conversation I usually heard between a little girl and her mom whenever that kid saw somebody wearing tutus and pink tights. This is because almost all little girls are attracted to these kinds of things, such as fairytales.  And they also love the way they point their toes while dancing just like what Disney princesses do in some movies whenever they are dancing and singing.

                Actually, enrolling a little kid in ballet in an early stage is very beneficial to them. It is because at an early stage, these kids are able to develop their self-esteem within their selves. They are also taught what the proper posture is, which is good because their bones are just starting to develop and become strong.

                Self-discipline is another thing that is being taught to children in ballet. When a kid already built that self-discipline within them, their parents probably would not experience any difficulties in raising their child.

                “Ballet lessons can also foster a positive self image in young girls, as well as young boys. Ballet teaches skill, grace, poise, self discipline and self confidence.” (Kids Ballet Guide)

            And if ever I will be having a baby girl in the future, enrolling her in a ballet class will be an option, if and only if she would like to, because I know that enrolling her to that class will surely help her as a person.

Survey Report

                                                     Survey Report

I conducted the survey through online survey. I asked my friend, who is a dancer, to help me conduct a survey among his dancing friends. The questions that are present in my survey are based on the things I still want to know more, and these questions are answered by dancers. I chose dancers to answer my questions because it is hard to find a ballerina, and dancers do also have knowledge about ballet because they almost have the same point of view as dancers.

Based on the survey results, most respondents define dance as an art wherein the emotions are expressed through rhythmic bodily movements. Also, most of them do some stretching first before practicing. Then under this are graphs based on the results of the next questions.

The result of the survey is parallel to what I just expected to happen. Most of the people I have interviewed agreed that ballet can be considered as a competitive sport, just like dancesport, which is the main purpose of conducting this study.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Cover letter

Dear Respondent:

I am a student in the Asia Pacific College taking up Bachelor of Science in Accountancy.  I am conducting a research study entitled, “Factors that can be considered to classify ballet as a competitive sport.”  The purpose of this study is to discuss and focus about the factors that can help in considering ballet as a competitive sport.

Your participation will involve by just giving your opinion about the study being conducted and should only take about 5 to 10 minutes of your time.  Your involvement in the study is voluntary, and you may choose not to participate or to stop at any time.  The results of the research study may be published, but your name will not be used.  Your identity will not be associated with your responses in any published format.

The findings from this project will provide information on about what you think about the study with no cost to you other than the time it takes for the survey. 

If you have any questions about this research project, please feel free to call me at this number, 0927-223-0416 or send an e-mail to this address,

Questions about your rights as a research participant or concerns about the project should be directed to the English Resource Center at Asia Pacific College.

By returning this questionnaire in the envelope provided, you will be agreeing to
participate in the above described project.

Thanks for your consideration!


Gillyn Anne L. Brosas
BSA Student, Asia Pacific College

Actual Survey


1. How will you define dance?

2. Do you think some dances can be considered as a sport?
____ Yes

3. Having knowledge about ballet, do you think it will be as competitive as sport?
____ Yes
____ No

4. In what ways do you think a dance and a sport can be related?
____ Health Diet
____ Training
____ Competitiveness
____ Enjoyable
____ Others, please specify:

5. As a dancer, what kind of warm up do you usually do before practicing or dancing?

6. What kind of meals do you usually take?
____ Heavy meals
____ Light meals
____ Green leafy vegetables
____ others, please specify:

7. As a dancer, do you still need to be on a diet?
____ Yes
____ No

8. Injuries can never be prevented when you’re dancing, so what kind of physical injuries have you encountered as a dancer?
____ Sprain
____ Broken leg
____ Broken arm
____ others, please specify: