Monday, December 3, 2012

Actual Survey


1. How will you define dance?

2. Do you think some dances can be considered as a sport?
____ Yes

3. Having knowledge about ballet, do you think it will be as competitive as sport?
____ Yes
____ No

4. In what ways do you think a dance and a sport can be related?
____ Health Diet
____ Training
____ Competitiveness
____ Enjoyable
____ Others, please specify:

5. As a dancer, what kind of warm up do you usually do before practicing or dancing?

6. What kind of meals do you usually take?
____ Heavy meals
____ Light meals
____ Green leafy vegetables
____ others, please specify:

7. As a dancer, do you still need to be on a diet?
____ Yes
____ No

8. Injuries can never be prevented when you’re dancing, so what kind of physical injuries have you encountered as a dancer?
____ Sprain
____ Broken leg
____ Broken arm
____ others, please specify:

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