Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Article: Ballet routines

One of characteristics that ballerinas have is the flexibility in their body. We often see ballerinas splitting, or touching their head with their feet while standing. Another characteristics they have is balance, they have this because of their proper posture.

                When it comes to routines, ballerinas need these two characteristics, flexibility and balance, so that they can perform gracefully. The routines are not that easy to learn, it needs a lot of time and effort to perform it right because if not, ballerinas will only give themselves a body ache.

                I will give some simple routines on Ballet from the article I have read in Ballet Positions and Movements

                The first routine is the A la seconde according to the article it is the called the side or second position. This routine is choreographed to move sideways. This is how it looks.

                The next routine is the Adiago, this routine involves the slow movement of a ballerina. It helps the ballerina to concentrate herself on moving his/her legs and arms slowly. This is how it looks.

                And lastly, the most common routine, arabesque; I think this is the simplest and easiest form of routine in ballet. You will only stand up with your one leg and extending the other leg on your back.

                The aforementioned routines are just some of the routines that ballerinas perform to express their emotions whenever they are performing. This is not as easy as 1, 2, 3 to learn. Usually, ballerinas takes time in learning these so that when they are now going to perform on stage, they will commit less mistakes.

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