I am a student
in the Asia Pacific College taking up Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. I am conducting a research study entitled,
“Factors that can be considered to classify ballet as a competitive sport.” The purpose of this study is to discuss and
focus about the factors that can help in considering ballet as a competitive
participation will involve by just giving your opinion about the study being
conducted and should only take about 5 to 10 minutes of your time. Your involvement in the study is voluntary,
and you may choose not to participate or to stop at any time. The results of the research study may be
published, but your name will not be used.
Your identity will not be associated with your responses in any
published format.
The findings
from this project will provide information on about what you think about the
study with no cost to you other than the time it takes for the survey.
If you have
any questions about this research project, please feel free to call me at this
number, 0927-223-0416 or send an e-mail to this address,
about your rights as a research participant or concerns about the project should
be directed to the English Resource Center at Asia Pacific College.
By returning
this questionnaire in the envelope provided, you will be agreeing to
participate in
the above described project.
Thanks for
your consideration!
Gillyn Anne L.
BSA Student,
Asia Pacific College
ReplyDeleteCover Letter: 10/10