Thursday, December 13, 2012

Crazy Stuffs :))

Dahil tapos na ang English Term. And I won't be using this blog anymore. Hahahaha. Yey :)

Eto kami sa roooom :) Hahahaha. Doing crazy stuffs for the past days =))))

Eto yung bago yung Ignite Speech na halata namang nababaliw na kami :)))) Pero atleast, tapos na:) Yeeey!:)))

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Chapter 3

Chapter 3
Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

            This paper attempted to determine the different factors needed to consider ballet as a competitive sport.
            The method that was used in this study is the descriptive research method wherein the data from articles and the results of the interview are used to answer the research question posed. The research findings are the following:
1.      According to the results of the survey, one factor that can be considered is the way a ballerina and an athlete will maintain their body figure. That both of them need to maintain a body that is physically so that it would be difficult for them to perform or to play.
2.      The training that a ballerina and an athlete undergo to is also quite the same. Both of them need to physically set their body before competing or performing. Warming up before training is very essential, so that their body would not be that painful after a hard training.
3.      Ballerinas are also as competitive as the athlete because they need to show to their audience that they are exerting effort and they are passionate in what they are doing.


            Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:
             1.      Ballerinas and athletes do have a lot factors in common, especially when it comes to their physical attributes.
            2.      Considering ballet as a sport can never be just that easy, of course, it still needs the willingness of the ballerinas to compete, and accept the fact that ballet is not an art alone, but a competitive sport as well that needs more hardwork and discipline.


            After drawing the conclusions of the study, the researcher hereby make the following suggestions/recommendations:
           1.      Scholars should design a research on possible future innovations in the process and citing more evident factors that can help in considering ballet as a competitive sport.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Article: Black Swan

Have you already watched the movie Black Swan? This is one of the movies that became a box office hit on the year 2010. This movie is all about a ballerina named, Nina Sayers, who was given a chance to portray the role of both the black and white swan in their next big production.

In this movie, there was a part here wherein Thomas, director of the production, told Nina that she is ideal for the White Swan, but she still lacks passion and emotion to be the Black Swan. So Nina tried everything to prove Thomas that she really is fits the role.

She experienced the life of a real passionate and desperate ballerina in this movie. She had experienced different injuries during her practices. Well, as for Nina, she is really a good ballerina in this movie. She has the characteristics of ballerina is- the posture, discipline, and confidence is there.

She also shows competitiveness in this movie, in the part wherein she auditioned for the role. She showed that she deserves the role more than anybody else who auditioned, that’s why she was picked by the director to play the role. The only problem she encountered is that she was fighting within herself. She thought that she must need to be a perfectionist to fit the role of the Black Swan, which resulted to a bad result. She almost lost her mind with all this thought coming inside her mind. This resulted to her death in the last part of the movie. (Black Swan)

This movie only shows that being passionate with what you’re doing makes the best come out from you, but you must also know you’re limit as a dancer. 

Article: Ballet routines

One of characteristics that ballerinas have is the flexibility in their body. We often see ballerinas splitting, or touching their head with their feet while standing. Another characteristics they have is balance, they have this because of their proper posture.

                When it comes to routines, ballerinas need these two characteristics, flexibility and balance, so that they can perform gracefully. The routines are not that easy to learn, it needs a lot of time and effort to perform it right because if not, ballerinas will only give themselves a body ache.

                I will give some simple routines on Ballet from the article I have read in Ballet Positions and Movements

                The first routine is the A la seconde according to the article it is the called the side or second position. This routine is choreographed to move sideways. This is how it looks.

                The next routine is the Adiago, this routine involves the slow movement of a ballerina. It helps the ballerina to concentrate herself on moving his/her legs and arms slowly. This is how it looks.

                And lastly, the most common routine, arabesque; I think this is the simplest and easiest form of routine in ballet. You will only stand up with your one leg and extending the other leg on your back.

                The aforementioned routines are just some of the routines that ballerinas perform to express their emotions whenever they are performing. This is not as easy as 1, 2, 3 to learn. Usually, ballerinas takes time in learning these so that when they are now going to perform on stage, they will commit less mistakes.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Article: Kids in Ballet

“Mommy, I want to learn how to dance.”  “Okay, I will enrol you to ballet class. Would you like that?” “Yes. Yes. Yehey!”

                This is the conversation I usually heard between a little girl and her mom whenever that kid saw somebody wearing tutus and pink tights. This is because almost all little girls are attracted to these kinds of things, such as fairytales.  And they also love the way they point their toes while dancing just like what Disney princesses do in some movies whenever they are dancing and singing.

                Actually, enrolling a little kid in ballet in an early stage is very beneficial to them. It is because at an early stage, these kids are able to develop their self-esteem within their selves. They are also taught what the proper posture is, which is good because their bones are just starting to develop and become strong.

                Self-discipline is another thing that is being taught to children in ballet. When a kid already built that self-discipline within them, their parents probably would not experience any difficulties in raising their child.

                “Ballet lessons can also foster a positive self image in young girls, as well as young boys. Ballet teaches skill, grace, poise, self discipline and self confidence.” (Kids Ballet Guide)

            And if ever I will be having a baby girl in the future, enrolling her in a ballet class will be an option, if and only if she would like to, because I know that enrolling her to that class will surely help her as a person.

Survey Report

                                                     Survey Report

I conducted the survey through online survey. I asked my friend, who is a dancer, to help me conduct a survey among his dancing friends. The questions that are present in my survey are based on the things I still want to know more, and these questions are answered by dancers. I chose dancers to answer my questions because it is hard to find a ballerina, and dancers do also have knowledge about ballet because they almost have the same point of view as dancers.

Based on the survey results, most respondents define dance as an art wherein the emotions are expressed through rhythmic bodily movements. Also, most of them do some stretching first before practicing. Then under this are graphs based on the results of the next questions.

The result of the survey is parallel to what I just expected to happen. Most of the people I have interviewed agreed that ballet can be considered as a competitive sport, just like dancesport, which is the main purpose of conducting this study.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Cover letter

Dear Respondent:

I am a student in the Asia Pacific College taking up Bachelor of Science in Accountancy.  I am conducting a research study entitled, “Factors that can be considered to classify ballet as a competitive sport.”  The purpose of this study is to discuss and focus about the factors that can help in considering ballet as a competitive sport.

Your participation will involve by just giving your opinion about the study being conducted and should only take about 5 to 10 minutes of your time.  Your involvement in the study is voluntary, and you may choose not to participate or to stop at any time.  The results of the research study may be published, but your name will not be used.  Your identity will not be associated with your responses in any published format.

The findings from this project will provide information on about what you think about the study with no cost to you other than the time it takes for the survey. 

If you have any questions about this research project, please feel free to call me at this number, 0927-223-0416 or send an e-mail to this address,

Questions about your rights as a research participant or concerns about the project should be directed to the English Resource Center at Asia Pacific College.

By returning this questionnaire in the envelope provided, you will be agreeing to
participate in the above described project.

Thanks for your consideration!


Gillyn Anne L. Brosas
BSA Student, Asia Pacific College

Actual Survey


1. How will you define dance?

2. Do you think some dances can be considered as a sport?
____ Yes

3. Having knowledge about ballet, do you think it will be as competitive as sport?
____ Yes
____ No

4. In what ways do you think a dance and a sport can be related?
____ Health Diet
____ Training
____ Competitiveness
____ Enjoyable
____ Others, please specify:

5. As a dancer, what kind of warm up do you usually do before practicing or dancing?

6. What kind of meals do you usually take?
____ Heavy meals
____ Light meals
____ Green leafy vegetables
____ others, please specify:

7. As a dancer, do you still need to be on a diet?
____ Yes
____ No

8. Injuries can never be prevented when you’re dancing, so what kind of physical injuries have you encountered as a dancer?
____ Sprain
____ Broken leg
____ Broken arm
____ others, please specify:

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Chapter 2 draft

Chapter 2
Definition of Sport and Dance

 Sport is defined as a form of competitive physical activity which can be through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and provide entertainment to participants. ( At the same time it is also defined as an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature. (
Volleyball is a kind of sport who really empowers the competitive nature of what sport is. It is the kind of game wherein two teams of six are separated by a net, and their goal is preventing the ball to touch the ground. It really requires a lot of team coordination because every player plays a special role inside the court.
Another sport that shows competitiveness is the skating or figure skating. This sport can be done by individuals, by pairs, or by group. It also requires the coordination of all parts of your body, whenever you’re doing a solo, when you do the spinning and jumping along the ice skating rink. And if ever you’re with a pair or a group, it also does need the coordination, not just your body coordination, but also your coordination with your partner or groupmates.
      Gymnastics is another sport that is much related to ballet because of the common factors that is present in them. In this sport, it requires the agility, flexibility, physical strength, coordination, and balance of the body just like in ballet.
On the other hand, dance also involves movement of the body just like that of sport, but it is often rhythmic and to music. ( Ballroom Dancing has been considered as a competitive sport during the year 1900’s, and it was called as “Dancesport.” Dancesport denotes competitive ballroom dancing, as contrasted to social or exhibition dancing. (
In 1909, the first unofficial world championship in dancesport was held, and the first formation team was presented in 1932 by Olive Ripman at Astoria Ballroom, London. In the past years, dancesport only applies to International Style of competitive ballroom dancing, often referred as Standard or Modern dancing, and Latin dancing. Today, it now includes the Latin American, Standard, and Ten Dance.
And now, in some point of view, a new dance should now be considered as a competitive sport just like ballroom dancing is. Ballet can be the next dance that will be considered as a sport because just like what was said in chapter 1, there were factors that can be considered to make ballet as a sport.  Those factors include physical and mental common factors between ballet and some other sport.

Factors needed to consider Ballet as Sport

A.     Health Diet
Being physically fit is one of the common factors between an athlete and a ballerina. Both of them needs a physically fit and healthy body to be able to perform and play well. Ballerinas, just like athletes, do have their own special healthy diet to maintain their fit body.
However, the only difference between them is that ballerinas have stricter diet than athletes are. It is because ballerinas do a lot of routines that is composed of tiptoeing, lifting each other, and bending their bodies. That’s why ballerinas really need to watch the amount of calories they would take in.
A ballerina is also a type of athlete that needs to have a balance intake of calories in his/her body. “When it comes to the types of food ballerinas eat, there must be a balance of carbohydrates, protein and saturated fat. The combined three offer energy, muscular strength and endurance as well as healthy joints and bones, all necessary for athletes like ballerinas” (Jae Ireland, 2011)   
B.      Training
Another factor that is common between an athlete and a ballerina is the training they undergo through. Just like the result in the survey that was conducted, both athletes and ballerinas do some stretching first before proceeding to the training itself. Stretching is needed so that the body would not feel so much pain after the training, especially if it is a hard training.
However, ballerinas have a different way of stretching their bodies. Ballerinas often do some jumping, twirling, and bending into the air to lighten the body. After that, another warming up that is being done is dancing with a random music. The dancers move their body gracefully until the music fades, then they will end up with a pose.
To be a ballerina, it takes years to be able to become a professional ballerina. Oftentimes, those professional ballerinas usually spent half of their life doing ballet. It is not that easy to learn ballet, it needs a lot of training and dedication to become a professional one. And most ballerinas already devoted themselves in this kind of art.

Friday, November 9, 2012

HW2: Injuries

Have you ever experienced having a sprain on your hand or foot? How about having cramps? It hurts a lot, right? Especially if you experienced it for the first time.

Athletes often experience these things, and so are ballerinas. But these injuries served as their strength to do better and learn from their mistakes so that they could avoid being injured again. Because in the first place, if they became injured they will never be able to train or dance which is a disadvantage for them.

According to Science Daily, ballet dancers are as vulnerable as athletes are when it comes to injuries because ballet is a very pressure-packed activity with a tremendous amount of competition the same with any sports. And one of the common injury among sports and dance is the ankle sprain. It is when the ligaments near the ankle teared apart. Sounds awful, right? This usually happens when the ankle is in a position that doesn't usually encounter. Other reason is that they have a poor fitting footwear or a poor technique in doing such things.

Another one is cramps. This usually happens to athletes and dancers as well. This is unpleasant, often painful sensations caused by muscle contraction or over shortening. (Wikipedia) This mostly happens when the person does not have a proper stretching or does not stretched at all before playing or dancing. 

These are just some common injuries athletes and dancers are experiencing. But these injuries does ot serve as a hindrance to them but rather it serves as a way for them to improve more and to try their best to avoid those injuries again so that they will not miss a training or a game or performance.

HW1: Background of the survey

        I am already done with my Chapter 1 in which in this chapter it discussed more about on why I came up with this study, and how will I conduct this study. It also includes my statement of the problem which is, "What factors can be considered to classify Ballet as a competitive sport." Also, you can see here that I stated the significance of the study and its scope and limitations. It also contains here what are the things I found out about Ballet that makes me think that it should be considered as a sport. I found out that there were some common characteristics between Ballet and other sports such as gymnastics and skating. And also, ballet also undergo training just like every athlete do. They also have this maintaining weight so that they were able to perform well, just like athletes were. These are just some of the common characteristics that I found out as I was doing my research for this study.

       As I continue to this study, there are still some things I don't know about my study. Here are some things that I still need to know as I go on with my study. I want to know the other factors that will is really common among dancers and athletes. I also want to know how did ballroom dancing became a sport. 

     The people I think that can answer my questions are those people who loves dancing and sport at the same time, and those people who have been part of such things. I guess, dancesport contestants or performers can also answer my question.

The first question I will ask is if they think that Ballet can be a sport. This question is important because I want to know how many people will agree that ballet can be a sport. The next question would be, "Do you think ballerinas are also competitive?" And I think that this is important because I will be able to find out that ballerinas are also competitive in other people's point of view. Lastly, I will ask them in what sport is ballet more closely related with. This question is important because it will help me to identify in which sport I will focus more that is closely related to ballet.

       Using this study, I am expecting that many people will agree that ballet can also be as competitive as the other sports. That in the future, ballet will be now considered as one of the competitive sports. And that this study will be beneficial to all especially to the Ballerinas who want to compete.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Background of the study(draft) for Reswrt

A.      Background of the study

Nowadays, many new forms of sports are being introduced all over the world. Some of these sports may be related to dancing, especially to ballet, such as figure skating and gymnastics. Sports is all forms of competitive physical activity which through casual or organised participation aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and provide entertainment to participants and to the audience as well. (

Dancing also requires strength, agility, endurance, skills, coordination, and dedication as much as sports require it.  These are the things that are common to dancers and athletes to be able to become a professional one. According to Encyclopaedia Britannica, dance is the movement of the body in a rhythmic way, usually to music and within a given space, for the purpose of expressing an idea or emotion, releasing energy, or simply taking delight in the movement itself.

Some sports have the same concept with dance; examples are Figure Skating and Gymnastics. These two competitive sports have the same idea and concept with Ballet, from the flexibility of body that is needed, the discipline an individual should have in taking these things, and the trainings and maybe the routines that they’re conducting. The only difference is that gymnasts and skaters compete for a prize while a ballerina doesn’t, they just perform to be able to express their emotions and as well as to entertain people with their moves. But there are now dances that were considered as a competitive sport.

During the 19th century, a new sport has been introduced worldwide. It’s not just a sport itself but it is a combination of dance and sport. This is known as dancesport, or in other words, a competitive ballroom dancing. This sport has its first unofficial championship in the year 1909. And the first formation team was presented in the year 1932 by Olive Ripman at the Astoria, Ballroom, London. Dancesport was first broadcast on TV on the year 1960. (

Ballroom has been considered as a sport during the 19th century, therefore Ballet can be considered as one also. For some, ballet is just an art and can never be considered as a sport, because for them ballerinas don’t compete with each other, but their goal is to entertain the people and audience Well for some instance, ballet has common things with that of skating and gymnastics that can be a basis to consider ballet as a sport.

Instead of dealing with comparing what sport and dance is individually, this study will focus on factors that will help ballet to be considered as a competitive sport.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Ballerina's training

Ballerinas, just like athletes, also need to work hard during training to be able to enhance their talent and skills in it. They do some stretching and warm ups before they undergo hard drills, and learn new difficult stunts just like what other ordinary athletes do.

According to the article I have read, Training routine of a Ballerina, Ballerinas warm up by doing some random dances on the stage together with the music. They jump, twirl, and bend throughout the music and ends it with a graceful step as the music slowly fades away that will cause them to stop but in a graceful pose.

Ballerinas have those learning stages to be able to become a good ballerina in the future. They usually begins at 9 but there training is not as hard as those professional ballerinas of course. In this stage they were taught of the basic and easy routines. They usually conducts their classes once or twice a week just for them to still focus into their studies.

When they started to reach the age of 11 and 12, they were now taught how to toes shoes. Well of course, this is taught at an early age so that it'll be easier for them to learn how to lift their own body since they weight lighter. Well of course, in this stage injuries such as sprains will never be prevented since it's part when you're undergoing a physical training.

A professional dancer trains 6 to 7 times a day. Yes, a day. Imagine just how hard ballerinas' training routine are? And each sessions lasted for 1 1/2 to 3 hours. Imagine these, professional ballerinas almost spend their entire day just practicing ballet. Just like what was said in the article'  "By the time the dancer becomes a ballerina; her life is devoted to ballet. Even as a professional, the rigors and discipline are mandatory."

The reason why is this so is because, ballerinas should keep their physical condition on top, no matter the dancer's a soloist or accompanied by a partner.

Ballerinas begins their day by having their breakfast before their 7AM training. After that they will warm up and stretch to avoid cramps.This daily work out serves as a preparation for their upcoming rehearsals and performances.

With the ihe information I've provided, isn't it too hard to become a ballerina? Those discipline, and routine you need to have for you to become a professional ballerina is not that easy to gain. But still, if you want to pursue your dream of becoming a famous ballerina someday, you might as well start your training now.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Benefits of Ballet

Dancing ballet is not just about entertaining people, and expressing your feelings to others, it also has this benefits in our life especially when it comes physically and mentally. It does not just help us to have a proper posture thus it also helps us to look younger than our actual age is.

I've read an article about the benefits of ballet.(Benefits of Ballet) And I found some benefits from this article. Here as follows:

  • Corrects Posture
  • Works your muscles
  • Fights stress
  • Boosts your intellectual capability
Well, I do agree with this article. First, having a correct posture makes someone look credible, especially if he/she is applying for a job in the future. Not just that, it also helps someone have stronger bones especially when he/she reached the old age where they're much prone to different type of bone deficiency such as osteoporosis. 

Dancing ballet also helps you to work with your muscle. Imagine yourself having those fats in your body? It looks awkward, right? If you dance ballet, you will be able to work your muscles out because in this kind of dance you should learn how to carry your own body.

Ballet also makes your body more flexible. And having a more flexible body gives you the chance to have a more slender body. Getting the waistline you've ever dreamed of.

Fights stress. Ballet fights stress in the case that when you dance ballet, the music that is mostly played were classical music which were more pleasant for the ear. It may also be some kind of yoga that may help you relax and lose weight as well.

And lastly, it helps in boosting your intellectual capability because you were given the chance to think and goes with the music flow. It also helps in increasing your gracefulness.

Here are just some of the benefits ballet is providing to our body, physically and mentally. Dancing ballet can help us to forget the past, make a good present to have a better future.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Ballerinas' Diet

Have you tried to tiptoe just like ballerinas do? It hurts a lot, right; especially if you don't do it the proper way, and you're not able to practice it a lot. Ballerinas took a long time, maybe, just to tiptoe like that. Well, it wasn't easy to put your weight on your upper limb rather than putting it on your feet.

Ballerinas do some diet for them to be able to dance well. Normally, ballerinas have small bodies. They even look so light with their body feature. Well of course, they do need that. They’ve been bending always when dancing and they wouldn't be able to do that if they have big bodies. Imagine a ballerina with unfit body; I guess it would be harder for her/him to bend his/her body.
As I became more interested about Ballerinas’ diet, I found an article regarding this. I have searched an article on what Ballerinas eat during meal. And I found out this fact, according to Jae Ireland in his article,  What does a Ballerina Eat?, “A smart ballerina relies on balanced meals for dancing fuel, rather than starvation tactics in order to lose weight.

Well, it's true. Because if the ballerina skipped a meal, this may cause her to become dizzy which may affect her body balance. Even if you're not a ballerina, skipping meals may cause you that. As a person, we do all need a healthy and balanced diet to avoid diseases and illness.

Going back to ballerinas, according to one article that I have read, What is Ballerina's Diet, ballerinas are also considered as athletes that also requires to maintain a physically fit body for them to be able to perform well. Well of course, they also need energy while dancing. It is also mentioned in the article that drinking 10 cups of water is also essential to maintain a healthy body.

According to Allison Adams, If you are a ballerina, you should consider yourself an athlete, and you should follow a similar nutritional regimen as do other athletes who expend a similar amount of energy. As a ballerina, you should also vary your food source and ensure that your body receives all its required nutrients. Further, you should regulate your carbohydrate intake by making sure that you consume only complex carbohydrates. Well of course, but even though you;re not an athlete, or a ballerina, you must also consider these healthy tips to be able to have a healthy life and to enjoy life more.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Assignment for 10-10-12

1. Narrowing down the topic

Topic: Dancing

  • Genres of Dance
  • What is the basic lifestyle of a dancer?
  • What is the basic lifestyle of a ballerina?
  • How do their lifestyle affects them as a ballerina?

2. Tentative Outline:

      I. Definition and History of Ballet
                 A. Origin
                 B. Famous International Ballerinas
     II. Lifestyle of a Ballerina
                 A. Healthy Diet
                         1. Type of food
                         2. Posture
                 B. Time Management
                         1. Rehearsals
    III. Effects
                A. Positive
                B. Negative
                         1. Injuries

3. Informal Writing to Formal writing

     Related to the meaning above, I've also found an article which states that Contemporary Dancers are considered as the most creative dancers among other dancers. It is because contemporary dancers dance freely based on their emotions and feelings. And with those free movements they’re doing while the music is being played is considered creativity. Some researches also says that it is also because of their personality. 

    Related to the meaning above, considered as the most creative dancers among others are Contemporary Dancers. It is because contemporary dancers dance freely based on their emotions and feelings. Creativity is making free movements while the music is being played. Some researches also states that it may also be based on personalities.

4. Statement of the Problem

How do their lifestyle affects them as a ballerina?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

It's Free to Dance

Have you ever imagined yourself being one of the members of the “The Mob” in the movie, Step Up 4? Wherein you’ll suddenly dance on different places your group plans to, catching all the people’s attention, surprising and amusing them with our cool dance moves, and ignoring their different reactions as long as you were able to express the message you want to tell them.

I, being a fan of the movie Step Up, have always dreamed of dancing just like one of them. I really love how they move their body, the attitude they’re showing, and the confidence they have while dancing. I wonder where they got that kind of talent, and how did they come up with those cool and amazing dance moves.

Those dance moves from Step Up reminds me of the TV Show, So You Think You Can Dance, where the contestants dance freely based on how they feel the music being played on. That dance style is called Contemporary Dance. According to Treva Badinghaus, “contemporary dance is a style of expressive dance that combines elements of several dance genres including modern, jazz, lyrical and classical ballet.”

Related to the meaning above, I've also found an article which states that Contemporary Dancers are considered as the most creative dancers among other dancers. It is because contemporary dancers dance freely based on their emotions and feelings. And with those free movements they’re doing while the music is being played is considered creativity. Some researches also says that it is also because of their personality. (

Well, for me it doesn't matter if the dance is choreographed or not as long as you were able to express yourself by dancing. And being graceful is a lot more creative, right? As long as you maintain your posture and gracefulness in dancing, your audience will still consider it creative and awesome.

"People dance because dance can change things. One move, can bring people together. One move, can make you believe like there's something more. One move, can set a whole generation free. "- Moose; Step Up 3D

While writing about this article I have formulated some follow-up questions about this. Here are some:

  • What personality traits does Contemporary Dancers have that differs from other dancers?
  • Is it really true that dancing freely is more creative than choreographed dance steps?
  • Isn't improvise dancing is almost the same choreographed dancing? If not, in what aspects are they different?
For me to able to find out the answers to those questions, i intend to do some researches about improvise dancing and choreograph dancing. I will also do some interviews to some professional dancers I know.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Point in Life

Dancing is like some other things in life that also has its base form. Well apparently, ballet is considered as the most basic form of dancing. Why? It is because ballet is more on developing your flexibility, balance, gracefulness and discipline on yourself just like what other types of dance have. Most people would probably say that it is one of the hardest form of dance, well it is not. You won't be able to learn how to breakdance if you do not have a flexible body, right? Unless you have that talent since you were born. But for those people who would like to learn how to become a good dancer, I would suggest to learn ballet first before learning other form of dance you like so it would be easier.

I've already experienced learning ballet when I was still a little kid. And I found it fun and enjoying. Based on my observations, kids, ages 4-8, really find ballet enjoyable. Besides that, kids still have those flexible body that's why they're able to cope up and learn fast. During my kindergarten years, Ballet is one of my extracurricular activities in school. If I'm not mistaken, we have these ballet lessons once or twice a week and we're going to present it during our monthly activities at school in our auditorium.

Going back, ballet is always misconstrued to be danced by girls only. But let me share you a random fact about ballet dancers. Based on the article I have read, some of the greatest ballet dancer who gave phenomenal performances were Mikhail Baryshnikov and Paul Taylor, awesome is it? ( Here are some videos of their performances. 

They're purely awesome, right? And one more random fact, Mikhail Baryshnikov is the world's youngest ballet dancer.

Based on the videos, ballet is not just a dance or some kind of performances or whatsoever. Ballet needs time to learn it well and to master it. Being a professional ballet dancer is not that easy. You need to develop a lot of skill to be one, just like what other forms of dance needs. It also needs your heart and passion in doing it because without these essential things you wouldn't be able to fulfill your dreams as a ballet dancer and as a dancer as well.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Hello reader!

I am Gillyn Anne Brosas, a freshman student in Asia Pacific College. I am going to blog about dancing. So most probably, this blog will talk about "Dance"; Dance as an art, dance as a sport, and its different genres. I may also talk about the different famous dancers around the world. And also those shows and movies that has dance in it, such as Step Up and So You Think You Can Dance.

I've chosen this as my topic because this what interests me the most. Besides of the fact that I love dancing, I also love to learn more about the different genres of dance, especially Contemporary Dance. I also want to learn the difference between dance being an art and dance being a sport. The researches and articles I will be blogging and posting here will serve as my basis in making my Research Paper. And I hope as you read my blogs, I may be able to share you some knowledge and I also hope I can learn something from you too.

Happy Reading and God Bless :)